Hiding and Unhiding platforms in gameplay

I have event begin play for hiding the actor ( checked) and an overlap for standing on a switch- I have another set actor hidden in game following the overlap event ( unchecked). I want to start a game with a hidden platform ( both visable and the mesh) and want to reveal after standing on a switch. I can’t seem to get it to work and I have spent quite some time in trying to do so, without success. Any ideas?

First you have to show us some pictures of your code. Some pics of your setup and scene with explanations might also be helpful.

I cannot quite understand what you are trying to achieve from your question. If you explain with some screenshots as NoobsDeSroobs said, you will be able to get better help brother.

Visibility of a mesh is turned off like this in blueprints


Similarly when you check the “New Visibility” to on, the mesh becomes visible

Thanks to for the reply, I am pretty new to this and I am wondering what is the easiest way to post the screenshot so you can see it on screen without having to open an attachment. I can try post some screenshots later today.

My hope is that I can hide the visability when the game starts, but to be revealed after activating a switch.