Mesh Bounds Scale

I’m trying to figure out how to scale the bounding limits of a mesh inside UE4 but am having no luck. I’ve imported the collision and that looks just fine but I can not change the bounding limits on the mesh. They are currently too big. Is there no way to scale the bounding limits inside UE4 ?

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Hi Tedfs3,

I’m not sure if this was in 4.11 or if it was added later but you have the option to have a very fine-tuned control over your bounds in the StaticMesh/SkeletalMesh editors in at least 4.12 and later. In the Details panel in the Static or Skeletal Mesh editor just search for “Bounds.”

In the Level for your placed actor when you select it, in the Details Panel there you can adjust the Bounds Scale for the actor to uniformly adjust it to be smaller or larger. This is only for the specific placement of this actor in the level and does not propagate this value back to the mesh itself if you place additional instances or in other levels.

I hope this helps.


I’ve downloaded and checked in 4.13 and 4.14, still can not see those options in either build. When searching for Bounds, two items come up. Positive Bounds Extension and Negative Bounds Extension. Both of which seem to move the Bounds in X, Y and Z but do nothing to scale the bounds themselves.

Yes, these allow you to scale the bounds. The Bounds Scale (a multiplier that uniformly scales) is located only in the Details Panel when you select an actor in a level.