UE4 VR and Subtitles

For those interested, I have tested and… Subtitles do not work in VR.

Basically, you’ll have a problem similar to when you try to display a 2D widget in VR (texts not entirely displayed on each eye).

In theory, you could bypass this problem easily by creating 3D widget close to the character camera…Yes but if you were hoping to use the sequencer as I am… since to my knowledge you can not attach anything to the CineCameraActor of the sequencer, well… you have no solution to display subtitles in VR. And no, putting 3D widgets of subtitles laying around the level is not a professional solution.

It reminds me of a discussion regarding why 2D widgets where not made compatible with VR and I still do not agree. This is another example why this should be fixed. You have subtitles in 3D movies, you should be able to have subtitles in VR. Subtitles are important for a lot of users and for different reasons.

So if anyone has an idea on how to have subtitles with sequencer in VR… he will have my thanks !

have you found the solution?

You could use a 3d widget with your subtitles on it and parent it to the VR player camera. People do this for things like HUD or health bar in some games.
You mentioned using sequencer cine camera which won’t work with roomscale VR though so I’m curious what you are doing? Are you rendering 360 video and wanted subtitles on that?

This does likely not work in 4.13, but rendering the UI to a Stereo Layer using a render target might be an option.