I want a player can pass through enemies please help me

Hi i have some problem while a player is running i want the player can run through enemies without any stuck or stop and the same time enemy can attack player and enemy will suddenly destroy itself how do i do this ?

and while a player is running if a player was approach the enemy the player will move to left side or right side i just want only my character go straight how do i fix this

i would like someone to help me please…

please check the watch videos

i’m sorry for my english

link First video text

linkSecond video text

Hope this helps.

should the go through kill the box?
if yes that would be a solution :slight_smile:
you just have to create a box collision which you make that big that it can overlap with the character.

I think the most basic way of doing this would be to set the collision mode of your ennemies to “Overlap all dynamic”. This will allow your player to pass through them and while still generating collision-like events for you to use within your blueprints (For attacking and such). In addition you can add a collision box/sphere/capsule/whatever to your ennemies to make an easy detection of the player proximity.