Sender/Receiver model problems

Hi first time posting here and probably not knowing all the terminology but I’ll try to describe my problem and hope someone can help me a bit.

I’ve done bunch of programming in C but still quite new with the UE4 so bear with me.

I implemented the Sender / Receiver blueprint thing from Blueprint Communications | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube and followed the guide up to about 1h 15min and then went on testing stuff on my own.

With the guide I managed to make a box that I could interact with left mousebutton and that allowed me to toggle a boolean that is in my GameInstance. So I made bit of gameplay with few more boxes and this interaction.

All fine and dandy so far.

Now I have this building in my scene where I’m setting up these objects for the player to interact with.

I tried to make a light switch with he same style and that’s when I encountered my problem.
As I understand it the target object doesn’t receive the interact message even thou I got all collision checks on block.

I tried to do some “debugging” of the issue by making a box that prints something when interacted with and that worked fine.

Now this is where the engine is completely losing me.

I made another one of those “debug” boxes in a different part of the building (the same place I tried to make the lightswitch near the entrance door, the walls don’t have collision on them yet) and this time the box didn’t work. I made a third box near where I made the first and that worked. Then I switched the second and third boxes locations to see if that would do anything. The second box was still doing nothing and the third was functioning properly.

Around this time a friend who is doing 3D modeling stuff sent me the latest version of the building (FBX) so I changed the old one to that. And now one of my earlier functioning boxes (not the debug ones, stuff that worked earlier) stopped working completely in a similar fashion as the second debug box.
(I deleted the previous building and drag&dropped the new one in to the scene)

So I’m completely lost at what is going on. Any help is appreciated and I would like to understand what is going on, how the avoid it in the future and how to fix the situtation.

Thanks in advance.

Did some further testing while implementing crouch and had problems with a functioning cube while crouched so spent some time testing interaction and it feels that the interaction message is sent from the player capsule instead of the camera and the interactions that were functioning just happened to be on correct height.

Going to do further testing after sleep and trying to put the message ray start from the camera

Issue solved. Found the Draw debug type in the TraceByChannel and saw that the trace was somewhere on ankle level and while crouching on toe level. Changed the GetWorldLocation and Get Forward Vector to use the camera as target and now it functions properly.