How to make a charge ability?


Any idea on how i can make a charge ability? essentially like Reinhardt from Overwatch, so with the locked direction but no locked target.
I dont want to use the launch actor node, it doesn’t really give the effect i want.


First step would be to calculate your the direction vector of your charge.

Step two would be to disable your player input while the charge is active.

Step three would be just keep adding the location vector to your current location

Step four would on overlap cast the overlapping character to the other players, and then add impulse to push back your opponents

What would be the best way to keep adding the location vector?

I think

(GetActorWorldPosition" +( “GetForwardVector” * scalarValueOfYourChoice) → SetPlayerLocation

Btw. Reinhardt can change directions a bit in overwatch, its just reduced :wink:

I posted this yesterday, yet for some reason it did not post. Anyways here’s a how to do it