Why does show mouse cursor untoggle when PIE

I have a Controller class that sets bShowMouseCursor = true; I extended this as a blueprint class and verified that the option is toggled. When I press play I can see that it reverts to false; What is going on?

–I wanted to add to this problem because it seems really bizarre to me. Show mouse cursor is false when I compile the game. Even though I set it to true in code, when the project opens up, and I open up the custom player controller, it is false. If I set it to true in the blueprint, and compile, press play, it is back to false (by selecting the custom controller in the outliner I can see the parameters in the details panel, show mouse cursor = false).

–If try and force this by calling set - show mouse cursor = true, in the Begin Play, and also in the construction script, still it remains false.

The really strange thing I set the value in the constructor event and in the Begin play event. Yet the moment I select it in the outliner I can see the value is false.

I think it might be a bug with 4.13, can you try this with other versions like 4.12?

I could but I don’t have 4.12. Is there a known work around?

You could update to 4.14 also. Could you the blueprints where you set and check this variable?

Here I set the mouse to true in both the constructor and the event begin play. It’s also set in the parameters of the player controller. When I press play. It toggles off. If I Manually toggle it while the game is running it works, but that is of course not a solution.

Try replacing the Self reference with Get Player Controller?

I really hoped that would work but it did not. While doing so I believe I found a bug in the editor. I right clicked and found get player controller in the Event Graph. Then I copy pasted the get player controller into the construction script. This caused the editor to crash. I repeated it upon load and it did the same. This was all inside the blueprint of my extended player controller. I also tried setting in code on this custom player controller

void AKoreCtrl::BeginPlay()
	bShowMouseCursor = true;

When the project compiles. I look and check inside the my custom player controller. Show mouse cursor is NOT checked. It seems completely broken. The only way for me to get this toggle to check is when the game is running, I manually select the custom player controller from the outliner, then go to the details panel, navigate to “show mouse cursor” and toggle it true. Is anyone else having this issue?

It appears the only thing that works is if I set an input action key to set the very same value to true. In my case, I set left click to set Show mouse cursor = true on my custom player controller. This appears to work. But now I’d like to know why the toggle is not being set through the other steps. Is this a bug? Additionally, when my game starts there is a UMG menu present. If my first click is on top of a button in that menu, the game takes the click, not the menu, and inputaction Left click Event doesn’t fire.