Black lighting

Hello. Why objects become black? This happens when the camera is facing the sun or the camera is pointing at the sky. How i can disable this effect?

There you have example.

Have you generated the 2nd uv channel in the UE4 or outside in a 3d modelling program or do you get any errors when you build the light? Have U build the light yet ?
Because normally this should be solved with a 2nd uv channel and a proper lightmap.

This is how U create a 2nd UV channel

I believe this is due to Auto-Exposure. Auto-Exposure is a post-process effect which tries to balance the brightness of the scene. When you see too much of a bright sun or sky it tries to darken the scene to make it more even. It ends up darkening everything no screen as a result.

You can change Auto-Exposure settings or turn it off but I think the real answer is to make your sky/sun not so bright so the Auto-Exposure doesn’t have to darken so much.

Thanks. I have 2 questions. I need to create uv channel for all objects?
When i create second uv channel my object will be better looking?

Thanks, i disable Auto-Exposure in project settings and this help me a lot.

this would help U

Thank you, you helped me a lot.

no probs…