A few questions considering Post Process Animation BP's

Hello there,
UE 4.14 contains the new Post Process Animation Blueprint.
Are there any special requirements to the Animation Blueprint used as PostProcess Anim BP?
If I am creating an empty AnimBP which only includes my IK Chains and other Bone controlled things I just end up with locking the skeleton to the reference pose.


And btw: Selecting the Clear option on the PostProcess Animation Blueprint selection does nothing.

You have to start the post process animation blueprint with a “Sub-Graph Input” node. That gives you the pose from the main animation blueprint (if any). If you don’t have that to start with, the post process animation blueprint

I’ve already stumbled across that node but as soon as I add it, the Editor keeps crashing on assigning the BP to the mesh.

Have you tried going from a sub-graph input direct to a final animation pose? That is effectively a no-operation graph. If it still crashes when assigned, the problem is likely outside of the post process animation blueprint. If not, something inside isn’t working when used as a post process.

I’ll try that later

Still keeps crashing with an empty graph which only contains the Sub-Graph Input.

Perhaps the mesh doesn’t have its normal animation blueprint assigned? If the sub-graph node is looking for it but it’s not there, that might cause a crash.

anyone get this working with montages?

I solved the problem by recreating my project on 4.14 instead of converting 4.13 to 4.14.
That was something I was going ro do anyways to get rid of the messy structure I used.

For anyone reading this in 2021 here is the complete answer. You have two options for setting up PostProcessingAnimationBlueprints. Suppose you have two AnimBPs “ThirdPerson_AnimBP” and “ThirdPerson_PostProcessAnimBP”.


  1. In the MeshAsset under “Asset Details->SkeletalMesh” there is a “Post Process Anim Blueprint” dropdown. Set your “ThirdPerson_PostProcessAnimBP” here.
  2. In your “ThirdPerson_PostProcessAnimBP” use an “InputPose” node as your first node!
  3. In your SkeletalMeshComponent use the “ThirdPerson_AnimBP” as your AnimationBlueprint.


  1. In your “ThirdPerson_PostProcessAnimBP” use a “LinkedAnimGraph” as your first node and set that nodes “Instance Class” to “ThirdPerson_AnimBP”.
  2. In the SkeletalMeshComponent use the ThirdPerson_PostProcessAnimBP" as your AnimationBlueprint.

Option2 basically just uses your PostProcessing AnimBP to evaluate you original AnimBP. Option1 will make it so that all AnimBP that use that Mesh will also automatically execute the PostProcessing AnimBP


Thank you! There is so little information on this

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