'GetEditorMode': unknown override specifier

Hello! Sorry for my English.

After installing UE4.14 my project doesn’t compile and generate an error.

1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Source\Editor\AnimGraph\Classes\AnimGraphNode_Base.h(206): error C3646: 'GetEditorMode': unknown override specifier
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Source\Editor\AnimGraph\Classes\AnimGraphNode_Base.h(206): error C2059: syntax error: ')'
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Source\Editor\AnimGraph\Classes\AnimGraphNode_Base.h(206): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'

before installing the new version of the compiler errors were not.

That’s what happen when your upgrade a project to a newer version. Engine code changes, you have to adapt your own code to make it work again :wink:
You can either check the change log (I don’t know where is it though) or look directly into the engine source file where your previous function was to find the new one.

Good luck.
Best regards.

Yes, you were right. In my code all errors were caused custom AnimNodes.

I replaced this line:

#include "AnimGraphNode_Base.h"

on this line:

#include "AnimGraphDefinitions.h"

Thanks for help.

Hello, in case anyone is still having this issue, I included “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Editor.h” before AnimGraphNode_Base.h and it worked for me.