Some particles missing - non metal iPhone 5

Most of my particle effects don’t seem to work on iphone 5.

I’ve been removing the GPU effects, as it won’t render using metal and I believe that’s required for GPU effects but most of my CPU effects don’t draw on iphone either.

They work in preview modes with eS2 level set.

What might make CPU particles go missing on an iphone?

I have a pair of simple emitters that I’m about to dig into - both use the same material so I think that can be eliminated and I’ll see if I can make the working one fail but any leads would be awesome.

Never mind, nothing to see here…

My particle effects are spawned by blueprint objects that live in a loose directory and are not spawned within the UObject hierarchy but by a manager who searches for them in the asset tree.

I was not cooking this directory, so the only particle effects that were working had references elsewhere, which is why I was having difficulty understanding why some would work and others wouldn’t.

Of course, I had a handle error message that gave the clue for this, but it was buried in a pile of other output during level setup.

Moving on out now, getting out of the darkness…