Listen server host jitter

i have noticed that when a player hosts the game, using a listen server session, he will see the other ones lagging and some jitter appears. Everything works correctly on clients, who don’t see any lag at all. What could i do in order to fix it? Thank you in advance.

Just an idea like this:

Try to display the current framerate on your “client-only” instances. If the framerate is low then the network tick will also be low, which means you will see your players kinda “teleporting” on the server.

You said “Everything works correctly on clients, who don’t see any lag at all” but is it when your client has the window focused ? I previously had some issues like this before, when one instance doesn’t have the window focus anymore, the framerate drops and so the network tick, which leads to the “lag”.
The same things apply for the listen-server.

If you are testing your multiplayer on a single computer, try to limit the framerate so all instances has a chance to run smoothly even if they are not focused.

Good luck ! Best regards.

So your question is actually about “How to fix network lag on low framerate client”. Am I right ?

If yes I’m afraid I can’t help your more on this cause I don’t have the knowledge for this. But you should definitly change the title of your topic to make it clearer :smiley:

Hi, thank you for your response.
I am testing the game on multiple systems with different configurations through steam. Using less powerful pcs where the framerate is quite low the lag is more evident on the host while it is less visible if the client is connected from a powerful system running at 60+ fps.

Not only on low framerate clients, the lag appears on the host even if the client is running smooth at high fps, less visible but still annoying for the player who hosts the match. I would like to know if there’s a way to smooth the player’s movement on the host, since on the client it looks smooth.

Added p.NetEnableMoveCombining 0 and all the lag disappeared.

This worked for me too!
Do you manually have to enter the command every time you PIE though?
Is there a way to add this command to some .ini-File or run this command every time?

I tried calling

GetWorld()->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("p.NetEnableMoveCombining 0"));  

but that doesn’t seem to work?

I’ve used the Execute Console Command function in order to make it run automatically.