Multicast event not firing on client

I am building a vehicle based weapon. The weapon works as intended, the issue I am having is that I want to run all power deduction and damage related nodes on server, and then just visual effects on client. The multicast event I have firing to draw the effects does not seem to work as multi cast. Hoping someone can help. Here is what I am working with:

So, your problem is, this never trigger?

Is multicast even market as reliable, there are occasional issues with those events.

I don’t see a Multicast node here.
Can’t understand what this question is related to.
LineTrace will return only first blocking hit.
By he way it executed only on Authority machines (aka Server), so clients will not reach this point, only debug line below will be drawn.
If only RPC will be called, is Replicated property set to On in his actor?

Exactly! The fire event is multicast cast, and start firing is server only. As they have to do with weapons both are set as reliable. I can see line trace out me on server, so that is working, but I see nothing on client.

This should work, but as a guess, check the cast failed in picture one and two.

Cast is working as it updates my power display and applies damage.

The draw line will be replaced with my effects later. Everything should happen on server except the weapon firing effects. The fire command is a multicast event

Then what is Line Hit Point? I don’t see it being assigned anywhere.
Is Print node being executed during play?
Have you tried to put breakpoint on Draw Debug Line and watch variables values?

In which actor’s blueprint is this? If it’s in the GameMode it won’t ever be replicated to clients, even if it’s multicast. Because GameMode doesn’t exists on the clients at all.
Another thing that you should think about that if this runs on a listen server, when this event will work properly, the server’s player won’t see the Debug Line, but the LineTrace.

This game is being made to run on dedicated server, But I have also moved effects from authority switch to their own custom event. These blueprints reside in a weapon class pawn and are triggered by a turret pawn.

Really stupid mistake, I did not have the pawn set to replicate. So yeah, wasted a bunch of time because I forgot to tick a box.

That variable was being removed and replaced with a (forwardVector * weaponRange) happened just after screen shot.

Ouch. I always forget to ask that. I’m glad you found it.