Lego style snapping system for objects in the world @runtime

Hi everyone,

I’m pretty new to UE4 and I am looking for a way to implement a “Lego style” snapping system at runtime. I can’t get my head around it and my first ideas seem to be way too complicated and inefficient.

I was thinking of adding collision spheres to the upper & bottom side of the mesh (think of it as a simple Lego brick e.g. 2x4) to define the possible/valid snapping areas. In my example 2x4 would lead to 16 collision spheres for just one peace. This sounds not very efficient to me, but maybe I’m wrong and the engine is able to handle thousands of those at runtime.

Just need a little push into the right direction and any help is really appreciated.

Thank you!


Hi, I was just looking for the same thing, did you succeeded?
