What happened to the DefaultLit paper2d materials?

Hello! I was working on a paper2d-based game and I created a clone copy to test out 4.14. It seems that many of the sprite materials are now gone, including the DefaultLit paper2d material which allowed sprites to be affected by lighting instead of being emissive all the time. I looked through the changelog in the blog, and nothing there refers to Paper2D.

What happened?

same here… no answers yet from the developers… :o
i hope they would comment soon,

Yep… I also made a forum post but no reply from them yet…

So maybe that’s why my problem occurred here: sprite migrate problem? But on 4.13 I also have no idea where to find that TranslusentUnlitSpriteMaterial, it added it automatically when I created the sprites.

they finally commented on my post…
i think they forgot to package the assets…

hopefully it would be resolved in the next update fix…

  • vote on the bug tracker so they’d see there are people using paper2d… :slight_smile:

you can see them when you checked the show plugin contents, the assets are in the folder paper2d… they probably forgot to check the contents when they updated to 4.14, probably will get fixed in the next update…

Thank you!