Disable mirroring of 360 media texture on skysphere

Hey folks,

I’m trying to map a long lat-format 360 video to the skybox mesh in the starter content folder in order to create a 360 video VR experience. I’ve run into a problem now where my media texture seems to be reflecting along the equator of the skybox mesh.

Given the fact that the engine doesn’t support native cubemap video at the moment, what would be the best way for me to go about fixing this issue? I’m a gameplay programmer who isn’t very familiar with the materials editor in UE4 so any help would be much appreciated!


I need an answer o this as well. When I put a 360 texture that I shot in Blender on the sky sphere it reflects as if it was 2 halfspheres instead of one big sphere.

OK so I got a solution for this:

Replace the mesh used for the skysphere with your own sphere. I created one in Blender instead of using one from the Unreal library. Remember to unwrap the sphere with “sphere unwrapping”, or the same unwrap method you would use for your texture.
If you then use the original material from the skysphere, “M_Sky_panning_clouds_2” it was called in my setup, on this new sphere, you can either just unplug the whole original setup and make your own, or you can replace the “zenith” colours with your texture.
Remember to enable “2 sided” on the output node.

Let me hear how it worked if anyone tries this. Would love some comments and tricks from others on this!

Forget what I said about using your own sphere from Blender. Its really hard to get the unrwapping right. just used the generic sphere in Unreal (drag from basic shapes onto the mesh). BUT, you CAN unwrap it yourself in Blender or another app, which is great if you want to adjust the unwrapping or if you want to unwap then take it into substance and paint it yourself etc.