How to get a 2D sprite to follow a 2D player controlled character?

Hey guys!

I’m pretty new to Unreal and I’m trying to get a bird like sidekick to follow the player around the map. After walking up to the bird, I’d like to get the bird to follow the player nonstop throughout the game. This is what I’ve done so far… I’ve duplicated the main character blueprint and deleted all the controls blueprint (since we won’t be controlling this sidekick). I then added a pawn sensing component to the sidekick and created this:

However, when I launch the game and walk up to the bird for the first time, it does not follow the player. Does anyone know how to achieve this or if I’m doing something wrong? I tried looking up tutorials on this but couldn’t find much.


So I’ve managed the character to follow the player… but right as you start the game it immediately starts to follow the player. This is what I have so far:

I’d like to start the follow after the player has hit the collision box I’ve put around the character. I tried adding begin event on overlap but the character does not follow the player then. Any ideas?

Can you show us the overlap portion? Are you sure your overlap is firing? You can place a Print String after the Overlap event to make sure it’s firing. If it’s not, your collision settings need to be adjusted.