Replacing capsule collision with mesh collision

I’m still in the process of getting to grips with UE and I’ve hit a wall.

I’ve created a simple boat object and imported the mesh into a Character Blueprint Class as a Static Mesh. My problem is that the default CapsuleComponent is not ideal for collision. I’m aware I can scale the capsule to some extent but it’d be preferable to just use the actual mesh of the boat for collision, however I’m not sure whether this is possible or not.

Is my best option to just scale the capsule as best I can to fit the boat model? Or can I replace the capsule collision with the boat mesh itself?

Hey, I would reparent the character blueprint to a pawn, then you can adjust the collision settings from the details pane. You can create a new custom collision for the mesh by going into the static mesh editor then going to collision, then selecting what you would like.


In order to your mesh to work with collision, you need to enable this.

Double click your static mesh, search and change this property to be like the image:
