How do i load another level based on a specific score?

Hey guys!
I want to make a game where you have to shoot an X amount of enemies, So you get an X amount of score. But my question is, How can i do that? Because if i have that, I can start making another level and all the other things. Thanks in advance!

NOTE: I am quite new to UE4, I used some tutorials and i discovered some things on my own. So not that good. If ther is a posibility please use this site to explain where and how to do it! Website:

Greetings, Dimitri

By look of it you seem to don’t know how to do conditions in blueprint, you can do this is many ways, look up “Branch” and “Switch” node which controls what node is executed next depending on conditions:

There also “Select” node which is passive version of “Switch”

I think best solution for you is either make series of “Branch” nodes changed with False pins so you check if score is more then that if it’s more then that more then that etc. and to True pins you connect load level node (don’t know exact name), Or if your selection factor is liniar (0, 500, 1000, 1500) you can divide score by factor (in case of example 500) use Floor to Int node and then use Switch by Int node with 1, 2, 3 etc. conditions, you can also use “Select” node, with it you can make just single load level node.

I told u i was new to this stuff, So i dunno how to do any of this stuff. I apreaciate the help tho. Cab you maybe use that blueprint website?