GetBodyInstance / LineTraceComponent doesnt work correctly on 4.14

So, recently i updated one of my plugins to work on 4.14 the code compiled with no issues however im noticing some strange behavior

Im performing a trace against a character mesh using the LineTraceComponent function, This works with no issues on any engine version thats previous to 4.14 , The ¨hit event¨only occurs once the trace touches the character skeletal mesh as desired

However in 4.14 the exact same code, behaves weirdly, It DOES perform the hit event once the trace touches the mesh but also it starts going crazy when i get near the character i want to hit as you can see here

I just moved the sword a little bit in a random direction and “somehow” it managed to hit the caracter ( the triangle is the hit location )

Here is the relevant code

void AMeleeWeapon::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	FVector TraceStart;
	FVector TraceEnd;
	int i;
	FHitResult HitData(ForceInit);
	FCollisionQueryParams Params;

	/* if we should trace*/
	if (bTrace)
		/*Start by getting the start and end location from the sockets for the traces*/
		StartSockEnd = Mesh->GetSocketLocation(SocketStartName); // get the start and end location to make our traes from
		EndSockEnd = Mesh->GetSocketLocation(SocketEndName);

		/*For the amount of traces this weapon should do*/
		for (i = 0; i<TracesPerSwing; i++)
			/*Make up the traces for the amount needed with the 2 socket locations*/
			TraceStart = FMath::Lerp(StartSockEnd, EndSockEnd, i / TracesPerSwing);

			TraceEnd = FMath::Lerp(LastFrameStartSockEnd, LastFrameEndSockEnd, i / TracesPerSwing);

			DrawDebugLine(Instigator->GetWorld(), TraceStart, TraceEnd, FColor::Red, false, 3, 0, 1.0);
                        // ALSO tried using Target->GetMesh()->LineTraceComponent
			if (Target->GetMesh()->GetBodyInstance(NAME_None,true)->LineTrace(HitData,TraceStart,TraceEnd,false, true))
				DrawDebugLine(Instigator->GetWorld(), TraceStart, HitData.ImpactPoint, FColor::Green, false, 9, 0, 1.0);
		LastFrameStartSockEnd = StartSockEnd;
		LastFrameEndSockEnd = EndSockEnd;

The tracing itself i believe is correct becouse using draw debug line on both Trace Start and Trace End shows them fine

I Also tried to use the direct method that the line trace component function uses

if (Target->GetMesh()->GetBodyInstance(NAME_None,true)->LineTrace(HitData,TraceStart,TraceEnd,false, true))

Yet the result is still the same . I seriously would appreciate any help … this is the only issue thats stopping me from updating to 4.14