What object should i put for the cast

Hi , so i’m trying to cast a function in another blueprint but for some reason i’m completely messed up so

I have a WidgetBlueprint that has a simple login in there with 2 text boxes and a buttuon

And what i want is when the button is pressed it executes the function on the other blueprint but when i try it gives me an error saying that i need a valid object and that a wildcard isn’t a valid object.

So my question is what exactly is the the that object that i should use

It is hard to tell from the info you provided what kind of object LoginStufs is.

My multiplayer game has a login page and here is how I do it:

Inside the UI Widget blueprint I place a “Get Owning Player” node and then I cast that node to “MyPlayerContoller” so I can call functions that are in my player controller BP.

This works because your UI elements are always owned by a Player Controller.

Maybe in your case you can move the functions in the LoginStufs BP to your Player Controller BP and then use the same method as I do.

thank you , will do :smiley: