Vehicle blueprint axis inputs are firing automatically

Hi there. I’m following along with the vehicle setup tutorial shown on YouTube. Everything is pretty much fine until I get to the point where I set up the axis inputs for the throttle and the steering. When I hit play, they begin to constantly fire without me hitting any keys at all. Also, at the same time, the throttle and steering functions don’t seem to be doing anything. Here’s a screen cap of my debugger in action…

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


Hey ,

The Axis events, when hooked up like you have them, will always be firing off. If those inputs aren’t actually in use (or receiving input), they will fire off an Axis Value of 0, so those Set Throttle/Steering Inputs will still fire off and, subsequently, the Print String. If your inputs aren’t actually making it to this blueprint, check your Player Controller blueprint and look in the Defaults to make sure that Block Input isn’t checked.

Hope that helps!

Hi .

Thanks for the reply. Well, I made sure that the block input wasn’t check as you suggested. I also set up a test string attached to the w,s,a & d keys to make sure they were firing when pressed (which they are). The car just still doesn’t want to move! Grrrr! I’m sure it’s probably something as simple as a radio button checked or not checked, but I didn’t change any of the original settings in the template when I began and have followed the tutorial to the letter so far. Any other things I can check? Is there a way to see if the throttle/steering nodes are working like they should be? When I set up a breakpoint it skips right past them.


BTW, I also set up a string output to see the axis values of each button press (0,1, or -1)…and they are all coming back with the correct input values as well. It seems that when the info flows into the throttle/steering nodes nothing wants to happen…