Sequencer workflow: Parent sequence not playing when scrubbing

Suppose that you have a hierarchical set of Sequencer sequences set up like this:

Master Sequence
    Shot 1
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
    Shot 2
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
    Shot 3
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track

Then suppose that there is some continuing action taking place through all three shots.

Where should this action be defined?

At first, one might think that adding it as a Subscene into the Master Sequence would be ideal:

Master Sequence
    Shot 1
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
    Shot 2
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
    Shot 3
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
    Subscene A (define the actual action during all three shots)

However, Subscene A does not play when scrubbing inside any of the Shots, even if opening the Shot via the Master Sequence so that the top-right corner of Sequencer shows the text “Master Sequence > Shot N”. As a result, one cannot see the action while trying to frame the shot.

It seems that to have the action show up while framing a Shot, then each Shot needs to duplicate whatever happens in Subscene A. This is indeed what some of the tutorials do.

The problem however is that it becomes impractical to edit Subscene A once it has been duplicated all over the place. One way to sidestep this seems to do this:

Master Sequence
    Shot 1 (defines some Camera Cuts & camera movement)
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
        Subscene A (the action)
    Shot 2 (defines some Camera Cuts & camera movement)
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
        Subscene A (the action)
    Shot 3 (defines some Camera Cuts & camera movement)
        Camera Cuts track
        Camera translation track
        Subscene A (the action)

Here, all “Subscene A” entries inside the Shots refer to one single Sequence asset, which is then simply positioned differently inside each Shot. This works, but involves unnecessary positioning (and re-positioning whenever changing the duration of any of the Shots). So, it does not feel ideal.

Am I missing something obvious or am I trying to mis-use the Sequencer editor here?

If not, then would it make sense to add an option to have all parent sequences play, too, whenever scrubbing a subsequence? This would permit the workflow suggested in the second listing.

+1 on our side. Our cameras are created outside of unreal and we currently import them using the sequencer import feature. If we have like 10 cameras for a sequence we want to be able to import them easily. This means they need to be in the same sequence.

Then we want separate sequences so multiple people can work at once. So let’s say one sequence for the cameras and one sequence for the FX. If the Fx sequence is a sub-sequence, when you edit it, you don’t see the cameras anymore. Think it’s pretty essential to see what the fx looks like from the camera view when tweaking it.

Having everything at the same level will only result in a big mess.

Like hiili said is there anyway to lock the viewport to the “master seqence” and see the final result while scrubbing in a sub sequence?