A problem with BP interface communication


I just wanted to set up a simple BP communication via interfaces.
For some reason its not working as expected (nothing happens).

I have a BP “LightConeBP”, which has a cone mesh and a stationary Spotlight.

It implements a “SetLightColor” function that is defined in a BP interface, called “LightControlBPI”.

This LightConeBP blueprint is now part of another blueprint, called “PrefabBP”.

PrefabBP also knows about the interface. Input is enabled for the PrefabBP.
In the event graph, the a message is sent to the LightConeBP, using the interface.

But in gameplay, the light color does not change to the value of the variable ConeLightColor.
Nothing happens, except for the “Hello” log, confirming the the key press event fired.

I double checked the documentation:

[Here][5] and [here][6] too.

Note that the link “How to use blueprint communications” at the bottom of the second link above only gives a 404-not found.

What am I missing here in my setup?

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:


Try grabbing ‘Get Child Actor’ node from ‘LightConeBP’ and plug that into the Set Light Color instead. Child Actors added pre-begin play usually require this in order to work.


is the Light Stationary? Make sure it does not overlap with 2 other stationary lights.

Yessss! :smiley:
That did the trick.
Thanks a lot :slight_smile: