What is octave

In this article the author talks about changing the octave of noise but there is no setting with that name.
What is he referring to??

i have the same question, didn’t find “octave” anywhere, but [ue4 documentation][1] said

Levels How many different levels of noise at different scales to combine, multiplies the computational cost by the number of levels.

sounds pretty like what we need here, to me, so I change “Levels” to 3, and get the texture below.
not quite the same as the one in that article, not clear enough, have no idea about how to improve.

if anybody knows this is the right way or the opposite, or how to improve the texture quality, please let me know, thank you


I also can’t seem to get the same result as in the article. Any clues?

Maybe it can help.
Basically, as I understood, it’s the same as in music. A note of the next octave has the double frequency of the previous one, that’s why they sound good together. Basically in graphic noise double the frequency means +1 octave, hence more detail.