How can I get character gravity scale to replicate across network?

So far I’ve got this

		void SetupGravity();
UFUNCTION(Reliable, Server, WithValidation)
	void SetPlayerGravity();
	void SetPlayerGravity_Implementation();
	bool SetPlayerGravity_Validate();

then implemented like so…

//This is called when I press the letter "e"
 void AKoreChar::SetupGravity()

    void AKoreChar::SetPlayerGravity_Implementation()
    	custMoveComp->GravityScale = 1;
    	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Blue, FString::Printf(TEXT("Gravity = %s"), *FString::SanitizeFloat(custMoveComp->GravityScale)));
    bool AKoreChar::SetPlayerGravity_Validate()
    	return true;

This will make the character on the server start to fall. But the clients do not. Even though the On screen debug message which reads the gravity scale of each character shows 1.0f as the value (which means they should fall)

I think it is not using the proper version of the pointer to the Character Movement Component. Does it not know which pointer is which. I would imagine it would be something like Client1->CustMoveCompPointer which fetches the local version of that client…

Call a net Multicast function, in that function use reference to Movement Component and set Gravity. This will call on the server and on the Clients. The initial call Net Multicast has to be called by the server so use If (HasAuthority()) to make sure it’s the server.