Animation Starter Pack Rotating When moving Sideways

I’m setting up an FPS game using the Anim Starter Pack as base: I have already set up the walk blendspaces and the basic movement is the default setup. However, everytime I move left, right, or backwards the camera keeps looking straight as it should, but the character rotates a little bit in the direction I’m moving as seen on the attached .gif. This happens by default on the UE4ASP_HeroTPP_AnimBlueprint, but i’m using an AnimBP made from scratch. Is this how these animations are supposed to be or is there a way to make the character not rotate when moving sideways/Backwards?

The issue:
The movement input:

do u have a fix for this, have the same issue with the animation…

Find the solution under the Character Movement Component:

Character Movement (Rotation Settings)
Just uncheck: Orient Rotation to Movement = false (uncheck)

Thank you so much man you helped me a lot! :slight_smile:

Nice :slight_smile: Klick on the up vote button to let others know that this solutions works :slight_smile: have a wonderful day