How to solve 3rd person character movement stuttering when adding a system to open a door with keys?

Hi, I’ve been trying to add a system to open doors with specific keys. The system works well in itself but the movements of the third person template character have been stuttering since then and when I remove the system, it becomes smooth again. So, I would like to know what could be done to solve this issue, knowing that the system consists in “key” and “level transition/door” blueprints that “cast to third person character” using multiple variables.

Is this a multiplayer game? If so, then it is likely a CharacterMovement replication issue. If not, then you will have to share more info.

Nothing in the BP’s you posted above would cause character movement stuttering except for possibly the OpenLevel node inside a loop. It should work, but if OpenLevel is called multiple times inside a loop that might be problematic if the loops runs more than once. Try throwing a breakpoint on OpenLevel and see how many times it is called. I don’t think that is your issue though. It is most likely some other BP you aren’t showing above.

At what point does it start stuttering? When you pick up a key? When you go through a door to a new level?

It’s a singleplayer game based on the third person template. Here are the different blueprints I used to define the system. Thanks for your help!

I removed the Open Level node and it worked! Thank you so much for your help and since this node was just for testing, it’s fine.