No Way to Query Current Animation Time/Frame/% From Event Graph?

I have a character using two blendspaces, one for freely running where rotation is oriented to movement, another where orientation is locked and they strafe in any direction. Both blendspaces work great, but in transitioning between them there is always a hitch since they play from the beginning. In the state machine, clicking on the blendspace node allows an option to create a pin to set a start time (Start Position), which works as expected. The problem I’m having is finding a way to retrieve the current time of the animation it is transitioning from (or any animation being played) in order to feed the correct float value into that pin.

I could work around it by setting up several notifies in every animation in both blendspaces and only allow the transition to occur at certain points in the animation loop, but this seems needlessly tedious and would choke the responsiveness of the system somewhat.

As a workaround I added 12 anim notifies to each of the relevant animations in both blendspaces (all the animations are walk/run loops of 1 second, and they required one every .08 seconds, plus an additional one to reset the value), used the notifies to set a float variable, then fed the float variable to the start position pin in both blendspaces. It looks nearly perfect, but it would save a hell of a lot of time to add a node to the anim blueprint event graph that allows for querying an animation and setting floats with the value, and it would yield a perfectly precise result.

Please add this feature!

Yes, I have the same problem, among many other people, and no one is answering.
It’d be stupid to repetitively add notify.