Not posessing My Character when Game Plays?

Simple. I have my Game mode created. Set in the world settings AND in the projects settings so I know it’s being used. I copied the FPS character blueprint over and renamed it for fun just to use for now so It’s placed as the pawn class of the game mode. I have my player start set where it need to be as well.

When I press play the game never leaves the editor camera…
I have no Idea what I’m missing. Does anyone have idea of what else I could be doing wrong??

Two things to check/try. Make sure you’ve set up your possess settings in your character’s Pawn settings:


See where it is set to auto possess?

Second, try adding a player start object from the Basic tab on the left.

I’ve done both of these as well I apologize for not claryfing. Any Other Possible Solutions?? I’m very confused on what else it could. Does the player start HAVE to be touching the ground? Is there anything else that would cause the game to stay with the editor camera?
Don’t get me wrong the game plays it’s just no one was possessed.

No, the player doesn’t have to be on the ground. What happens when you right-click on the ground and go to ‘play from here?’

oh wow. It sends me to some random spot in the middle of the map stuck the air. lol

scratch that the was a collision error. It lets me play. …what would be causing that??

Something is going wrong with possession. Try deleting your instance of the player in the editor and re-placing it. Sometimes in-world instances don’t seem to get updated when you change the class it is based on.

So it plays just fine when you do the right click/play from here thing?

yes. certain areas of the wold wont do it though…I’m not sure why…
I don’t have a player in the editor at all. I have before but…didnt make a difference.

Ok. If your project is small, you can upload it and I’ll take a look if you’d like.

unfortunately it was all about the map being built. It is quite large, This has helped a bunch. Let me look into it a little more now that you’ve helped me come a little ways. THANK YOU. I’ll post future results.