Is UDK Documentation Delet??

I Visit UDN | WebHome
Then I get a 404

Dose EPIC Remove ALL UDK Documentation????

I Need those Documentation Reallly。


Hi houyiyi,

The page you linked to is still loading for me. There are no plans to remove the UE3 documentation.

You can also access the page by going to UDN | WebHome


Thinks Tim
I‘m in China now。 I asked some of my friend to open But they also get a 404 T_T (They are in China of course。)
Do you have any idea about this problem?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

  • Is this the only sites you don’t have access to?
  • Do you have access to the other Unreal sites under the like the UE4 documentation in or is all of that blocked as well?
  • What Web browser are you using, Chrome, Firefox, etc?

I’m reaching out to another colleague to see if they have some suggestions with checking this since I am seeing everything on my end. I may have additional questions soon.