Metal pixel shader memory usage too high.

Our game has some problems with memory usage. Our target budget is 500MB and we support only Metal devices on iOs. I have noticed that Metal shaders use very large amount of memory. For Pixel shaders it’s over 6 times more than High-EndMobile/Metal preview use.
I have screenshots from iPad Pro and PC preview with STAT MEMORY and STAT RHI.

I have same memory issue at iPhone6plus (1GB ram)…
Metal shader memory is too high.

     2675571  -  VertexShader Memory
    88613606  -  PixelShader Memory

I really would like to see some progress for this.

It’s easy to debug shaders size by unzipping the .ipa and checking the real size of materials to find the problematic one. Also you should check “material usage” section of material, because multiple use produces lots of shaders variations to be stored in memory.

hi,are there any more details about .ipa?