How to get USEFUL logs on iOS

Is it possible to get useful logs from iOS? The only method I have seen people talk about involves opening xCode and going to window->devices->view device logs, but this only contains crash logs with a stack trace which is useless if your game is not working but also not crashing. At the moment I am trying to debug a plugin which uses features that only become active when the game is run on an actual iOS device. As such I cannot hope to debug the issue without being able to read the logs that would normally be sent to the output window. On Android all that data goes to logcat and is easy to recover and analyse but on iOS…well, that’s the question. Where do those logs go?

Please correct your wording before we can approve the post

I have recovered from my frustration and worded my question in a way that should be less offensive to Apple. Can I please get some answers now? Thank you.

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Here are three ways to obtain your logs, depending on the system that you’re using. Please upload them as a .txt file.

Runtime logs from a device using Xcode:

  • Connect Device to Mac
  • Open Xcode > Window > Devices
  • Select your Device
  • Expand the console

Crash logs from a device using Xcode:

  • Connect Device to a Mac
  • Open Xcode > Window > Devices
  • Select your Device
  • Select ‘View Device Logs’
  • Select the process that matches your game and crash date/time
  • Right-click on the process and select ‘Export Log’

Logs from a Windows computer for iOS devices:

  • Open iPhonePackager (Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS)
  • Select a uproject file (Optional)
  • Select the Advance Tools tab
  • Select Other Deployment Tools…
  • Select Backup Documents…
  • Select the IPA for the game you wish to get a log for
  • The documents directory data will then be copied to Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS/IOS_Backups or GameDir/IOS_Backups if a uproject was selected
  • The log can then be found at IOS_Backups/Game/Saved/Logs

Since you are debugging a plugin, make sure that you’re packaging for debugging mode, so that you can gather as many logs as possible.
