Why aren't my timelines changing the rotation of my objects?

I have a Blueprint with many different static meshes involved for different timeline animations.
Need me say I used to play with Unreal everyday for months and I know timelines upside down but its been a year sense Ive played with it…

I am simply trying to make a lever handle rotate about 80 degrees.
I have the pivot point of the model adjust correctly to rotate like it should.
I wasn’t sure if I should get the handle components relative or world rotation and sit it at event begin play to use that location in the timeline so i tried both.
and then use a timeline vector and combine that the the initial rotation and set it.

Should I use world or relative rotation anyways??
But either way the timeline doesn’t flow correctly, It just jerks a couple times and barely moves in the wrong direction? It’s like the timeline was skipped and it just set it’s location…a little…i dunno.

Anyone have any ideas what I’m forgetting to do here???

please and thank you!!!

any screenshots of your exact Setup?

There has to be something simple I’m missing. Can anyone help please?

I figured this out. SImlpy lerping the two rotations worked just fine with a float track in the timeline. :slight_smile: