Question about changing perspective mid game.

I’m working on a side scrolling game, and am wondering if anyone knows how I could set up a trigger to change the camera at certain points. Instead of viewing it from the side, I would want the view to switch to above, similar to the older contra games.

Hey Klonak,

To help you get started with this question, here’s a good example of how to switch between multiple cameras within your character blueprint:

From there, you would just need to have a trigger volume in your level that would tell the character to switch cameras, which is partially explained in that same question above. Give it a go with this information and if you get stuck implementing this, just let us know.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the quick reply! When I use this, is there any reason it wouldn’t work in the pre-built Sidescroller template? I can’t seem to get the camera functions to apply properly.