What happened to MaskedLitSprite?

After upgrading to 4.14, I noticed a significant problem. My game makes use of sprites that have the “MaskedLitSprite” material applied to them to give them the look of cardboard cutouts, but after upgrading, now it says it can’t find them. When I went into the engine files to go look for it, I couldn’t find it either leading me to believe it might have gotten accidentally removed after the update. Are there any workarounds that I should try?

I have the exactly same issue. Modifying the DefaultSpriteMaterial has not helped at all - sprites are just pitch black.

Hey guys,

This issue has been reported by another user which you can follow the link to and track the issue provided in the link on the post.


Please post any additional questions or comments on the post I have linked for tracking purposes.

Thank you,