Need to rebuild lighting each time I open my project

Hi, I have been having an issue with my current project. Every time I go to open my project I am forced to rebuild lighting. I have been using the engine for around 2 years and this is a new issue that I have run into. I have always had issues due to lack of knowledge when it comes to lighting, but this one has become rather time-consuming. I am nearing the end of the project so I have been rendering lighting in production quality and it can take up to an hour. I am looking for a way to save the lighting build so that I do not need to run another lighting build after a hard crash or a restart of the engine.

I have a directional light in the level, a lot of point lights that are attached to a torch blueprint (Static Mesh, Particle, Point Light) but these are using static lighting and I am not getting red lightbulbs in the editor. I have a lightmass importance volume that encompasses what needs to be lit within the level.

I’m having the same issue (4.13 4.14). Have you ever figured it out ?

Just paste this to project Config File: DefaultEngine.ini on top of file:


Boot=(Type=Boot, Filename="%GAMEDIR%DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc", MaxCacheSize=512)
Local=(Type=FileSystem, ReadOnly=false, Clean=false, Flush=false, PurgeTransient=true, DeleteUnused=true, UnusedFileAge=34, FoldersToClean=-1, Path="%GAMEDIR%DerivedDataCache")

It will generate the cache inside your project, maybe solve the caching issue.

Best Regards

Will try this tonight