[4.14]Can't Compile Engine Source Build


I’m trying to compile engine from source build but it gives this error:

2>e:\unreal engine 4.14\4.14\unrealengine\engine\intermediate\build\win64\unrealheadertool\development\core\CorePrivatePCH.h(1): error C3872: '0xb0': this character is not allowed in an identifier

When I open the said file,problem is obvious:

//Last Write: 24.11.2016 18:32:52 +00:00
#include "E:\Unreal Engine 4.14\4.14\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\CorePrivatePCH.h"

As you can see there are “İ” and they messing with the build.Changing said file directly doesn’t help as it’s a auto generated file and everytime I compile,it turns back to old file.I believe this is a bug.

This is a simple typo but it’s beyond my knowledge.Thus help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Hey Ariakus-

It sounds like you were able to find a solution to your issue based on your comment here: [Bug]Generating project files breaks build - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums . If this is incorrect, please include the language / region setting for your machine where you are installing the engine.
