Values from Struct array not being read correctly

Hey guys

So I’m currently working on a basic objective system for a group project. I’ve got objectives triggering and completing correctly, but I’m trying to make it so that completion of certain objectives automatically triggers a level change.
I have an Objective struct, which holds objective name, others required, state, whether it causes level change and the destination level. I keep an array of these structs on a GameManager object. Here is a screenshot of the details panel on the actor holding that array:


And here is a shot of my Blueprint where the level change is decided:

With this setup, the Name of the objective is correct, and the State is correct (I previously set up a print to print everything aside from the objectives required).

My issue is that even though the values are set to change level to the same one for testing, the CompletionCausesLevelChange always reads as false and the DestinationLevel always reads as None, so the level change is never triggered. Even if I skip the branch, and go straight to the level change, because both values read as None, it simply crashes the PIE.

I’ve tried deleting the GameManager object and re-inputting the values, but it just won’t work.

Any ideas? :frowning:

Thanks in advance
