SDecoratedEnumCombo error LNK2019

I am currently working on a rather complex Plugin, the project already has a main widget class and a couple of additional classes showing up in the editor menu, spawning their own custom tabs on click along with their functionality and settings.

However, there is a class that requires a few SDecoratedEnumCombo widgets on its Tab, and after hours of research and digging through the source code for samples, here is the function that is supposed to create a sample SDecoratedEnumCombo.

TSharedRef<SWidget> SATSWidgetStats::CreateMenuExtra(FString TargetKey) {
	FMenuBuilder ExtraMenuBuilder(true, NULL);

	TArray<SDecoratedEnumCombo<FATSGameplayEffect>::FComboOption> Info;

		SNew(SDecoratedEnumCombo<FATSGameplayEffect>, MoveTemp(Info)),

	return ExtraMenuBuilder.MakeWidget();

And I am including the following headers in this class

/// .cpp includes
#include "AttributeSystemPrivatePCH.h"
#include "Editor/HardwareTargeting/Public/SDecoratedEnumCombo.h"
#include "CoreMisc.h"
#include "Paths.h"
#include "AttributeSystem.h"
#include "SATSWidgetStats.h"

/// .h includes
#include "Archive.h"
#include "FileManager.h"
#include "SlateBasics.h"

However, I get the following error on Build.

2>Module.AttributeSystem.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class ISlateStyle & __cdecl FEditorStyle::Get(void)" (__imp_?Get@FEditorStyle@@SAAEAVISlateStyle@@XZ) referenced in function "public: void __cdecl SDecoratedEnumCombo<enum FATSGameplayEffect>::Construct(struct SDecoratedEnumCombo<enum FATSGameplayEffect>::FArguments const &,class TArray<struct SDecoratedEnumCombo<enum FATSGameplayEffect>::FComboOption,class FDefaultAllocator>)" (?Construct@?$SDecoratedEnumCombo@W4FATSGameplayEffect@@@@QEAAXAEBUFArguments@1@V?$TArray@UFComboOption@?$SDecoratedEnumCombo@W4FATSGameplayEffect@@@@VFDefaultAllocator@@@@@Z)
2>C:\Users\\Documents\Unreal Projects\Prototypes\PluginLibrary\Plugins\AttributeSystem\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-AttributeSystem.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Am I not creating the EnumCombo correctly? Am I missing something? I’d really appreciate any advice or hints.

Thank you.

I actually just found where the issue was and a solution to the problem as well.

The way SDecoratedEnum.h is written, its buttons style are set by calling on the engine’s FEditorStyle which is indeed an unknown symbol within the scope of my custom module.

As a solution, I simply created a custom class SATSEnumPicker which is basically a copy of SDecoratedEnumCombo that replaces any call to FEditorStyle with calls to my module’s style.