[Feature Request/Bug] Lack of delegete's signatures in docs

Unreal Engine is full of delegates, hovever there is no other way to grab their signatures then traversing header files ( where there are defined ), is there? It would be much easier if they could be found in docs. Of course if IDEs could autocomplete it somehow, that would be a blessing, but I suppose it’s rather impossible.

Hey -

You can find the delegate signatures in the documentation. This can be done by first searching for the delegate itself. For example, if you search for OnComponentBeginOverlap, the first link available (OnComponentBeginOverlap | Unreal Engine Documentation) shows the signature for the delegate (FComponentBeginOverlapSignature). This can be done to find the signatures of other delegates as well. Let us know if you have any other questions about the engine and its resources.


Lucky you. It seems to be the very first one that actualy has it ( at least from those that I saw already ). Non of AActor delegates has it ie. - so as many others.
To me, it should be autogenerated and put to each class *Signature doc’s file - like this one:

… the one taken from example of yours.

I’m not quite sure why was Dougwilson answer accepted twice, since it’s not valid one. I think I should give you some very quick example. This is like the very first ones that came to my mind. Non of them has any signatures feedback:

…I can to that all day long

Just to confirm I understand what you’re asking for, are you are referring to the example code of CollisionSphere->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &ALightSwitchCodeOnly::OnOverlapBegin);? If this what is being requested, I can enter a feature request for this to be added to the documentation. Additionally, if you are looking for generic examples of how to bind a delegate to your own function, they tend to follow the setup of [DelegateName].AddDynamic(this, &[CustomClass::CustomFunction]);. If this is not what you are asking about, please explain exactly what you’re looking for from the documentation so that the correct request can be entered.

Well, it seems that you dont get me at all. I know how to use delegates, I know how are they made, I do also know how to call them, and finally I know how to find the signatures - they are only in engine’s source ( header ) files - and that’s the problem. Ok. In 99% of examples, because you’ve actually managed to find one that is already documented. What I was trying to ask, is to have all of the signatures pushed to the docs automaticaly somehow, by some generator - bacause it could be done pretty easly. Right now looking for those signatures is quite painfull. Having them in docs - even without any single line of comment, would be great enough to me.

You are correct, I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re asking about. Can you explain exactly what you are referring to when you say “signature”, so that I can ensure the entered request is referring to the correct information to add to the documentation. Looking at the link I provided, are you referring to the parameter list necessary for the function you’re binding to the delegate? Please describe exactly what it is that the first link has that you feel is missing from the others.

When I mean a signature I’m refering to this:
A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums . There are also signatures examples in that article. I just want to know directly from the docs, what should EACH delegate function’s argunts be - that to me could be done automaticaly by some generator, coping the content almost 1:1 from header files. I just don’t know how to be more precise. Sorry. Maybe somebody else should my request.

I wanted to confirm that your use of “signature” was in reference to the parameter list of the function you’re attempting to bind to the delegate. I have entered a ticket (UEDOC-4184) for adding the delegate signature to their respective documentation pages.


Yes. Thank you.