How do I add sounds to animations?

Not sure if this has been answered or else put in a tutorial that I haven’t found yet but I’m creating a lot of animation for sliding doors, moving security camera’s etc and was wondering how you go about adding sounds to the animation. I assumed it would be somewhere under the timeline or matinee for the event or else something you have to add into the event graph but cant find it.

Two questions on this first what type of format does the sound have to be in I looked at the documentation but cant find a reference unless I missed it. Second can you create your own directly e.g. setup a mic and record a sound in the right template assigned right into the animation sequence? I want to then be able to assign them to a blueprint for example a door opening using the same sound no matter where in the level it is placed.

You can use Anim Notifies;

Sound files should be in WAV format before you import them, and no, you can’t record sound with the editor.