Skylight and shininess issue

Hi again!

I know that due the referred lighting, the UE4 can’t make something like lighting channels, so I can’t make an object ignore the Skylight (or viceversa). My problem is that my Skylight is creating something like a huge white reflection in a marble material I was trying to use. It took me some time and research, but I’m quite sure that it has to be the Skylight.

If i look at the material directly it looks fine:


But if I put my camera near the object, then it reflects what I think is the Skylight.


Without Skylight this does not happen, and the material is too simple to be the problem (mainly just a base color, a normal map, and a few values). I know that if I increase the roughness, that white reflection should decrease, but it would also decrease the reflection of the enviroment, so it’s not an option.

Anny suggestions?

It looks like you have some reflections but do you have a reflection capture actor in your scene? Generally any material that has some metalness needs a reflection capture (either sphere or box) actor in the level near it so it can sample from it. Without this the material just takes the color of a light (I think). Try adding a sphere reflection capture actor.

It worked perfectly!

Thank you!! :smiley: