Gear VR 4k 360 video black screen after a while

Hi, me and my collegue have been struggling with this for a while - we have a 360 4K h.264 video playing on a sphere in our almost complete Gear VR app, but after a while spent in an app the movies won’t playback on a device (leaving the rest of the blueprint working - audio and delay till end). What you can do in the app is you can travel thru some 360 photos, 3d levels, and ocassionaly 360 videos (we have 3 of those to be percise). You can visit the locations in any order you want and if you begin with the video stuff everything is fine, but if you walk around for a bit, or play videos more than 6 times the video won’t start. We even wrote a part of the blueprint looping the delay if video won’t return is ready, but it’s no use.

Hi PanBurza,

You may want to take a look at this thread and use the adb and android device monitor to look at your log for the app and see what if you’re exceeding the memory usage.
