Stop rotating camera with HMD in Yaw Rotation axis

I am working in both C++ and blueprint to create a VR experience using the HTC Vive.

In this experience I would like the user to be able to press and hold a button on a motion controller and have that stop the rotation of the camera in the yaw axis. This is so that they can move around in a way similar to this: Cosmic Wandering - for HTC Vive by Punchey

Most of my attempts to halt the camera from moving / rotating in any plane have failed. This was using the “Enable HMD” and “Follow Hmd Orientation” nodes. I have been able to teleport it by teleporting the pawn itself in blueprint.

At this point I am wondering if trying to stop the tracking on the headset was the correct way to go about it, it probably wasn’t.

Unfortunately I have not got the project to hand so I cannot show you what I have got (yet - I intend to update this post tomorrow) but from memory:

  • I have VR pawn which has a capsule collider as its root component then as child components I have a scene component (like VROrigin in the example) with a camera as a child component of that, I also have a MotionController component on the same level as a scene component with a static mesh as a child of that to show the controller, and a C++ script attached to the whole thing which handles my teleportation.

  • In the blueprint for my VR pawn I use the Motion Controller button presses (IsPressed, IsReleased) to find out when a button has been pressed to activate the teleport / cosmic wandering / other interactions.

Any help on any of my issues would be greatly appreciated.

Didn’t realize there was a “reset orientation and position” blueprint node, it was exactly what I was after.

For anyone else wondering how to do it, this is in my VR_Pawn blueprint. The Wanderer Rotation is just a float created in BP and the input manager is unnecessary but I wanted to show all of how it’s done. The white pipe coming into GetLGripDown is the event tick.


Now the only problem with it is that it’s not blurred so it’s quite sickening to use, I’m going to fix that shortly.

Also, I wasn’t compensating for the offset of the headset within the chaperone, so I fixed that and added blur and now it looks like this:
