How to trigger the projectile destruction

Hey Guys,

How to trigger the projectile destruction and even before, set it to a destructible mesh. Appreciate every hint or solution for the problem I have. [Basic FirstPersonBP]

Kind regards

Could you rephrase the problem and add some context to the question? I didn’t quite get what the problem is.

When I disconnect DestroyActor it doesnt change anything.

Ok so there are multiple possibilities about why the code you showed isn’t “working”. When you say

When I disconnect DestroyActor it doesn’t change anything.

I assume that the problem is that your projectile isn’t being destroyed. I hope I’m right about that because again, you are not describing what is the behaviour that you want as opposed to what is happening when you hit play and you test your game feature.

  1. Your Event Hit node is not being called. That is the generic hit event for the actor and not the one for the component. If you want a hit event from an specific component in your actor (which is what you usually want), like a collision capsule, box or sphere, then select that component and on the green buttons at the end of the settings look for the On Component Hit and press the add button.
  2. Maybe the “other component” doesn’t have SimulatePhysics activated so it always return false. Make sure that the component you are hiting has SimulatePhysics activated.

My suggestion is to add some prints in between those nodes to let you know what’s really happening.

Firstly I have to apologize for being not precised enough. I appreciate your effort and quick response. I am using the original FirstPerson template and yet have not changed a single thing in the Blueprint. In default the projectiles are disappearing a few seconds after hitting an object. I dont want this to happen. I need the projectiles to stay and toggle this function on and off.

Moreover I was wondering where to set the projectile as a destructible mesh.

P.S. I am sorry for my bad English