Can we play animation montage from persona?

Hello, UE4 community!

I can’t find the answer and hope you’ll help me.
I created Animation Blueprint in Persona with slots and state machines. And I can preview animation network by changing variables of this Animation Blueprint, but Can I preview how montage works without starting a game? By invoking some command or somehow else?

Matt Williams gave a good explanation here:

@AJ_Graphix, thank you for the answering! This tutorial is awesome!
But I’m looking for different thing, I wanna know how can I preview animation montage in persona. Like can I click right mouse button on slot ‘DefaultSlot’, select animation montage that I wanna play, click on it and see it in preview window in persona.

You’re welcome. I’m sorry my knowledge of montages is currently limited to what was described in the “3rd Person Game with Blueprints (v.4.8)” series. You can see the series here (along with a bunch of other great tutorials). The tutorial you mentioned from the other thread is actually the older version from the “Archives Video Tutorials” section. If you follow the new series I mentioned, it might help you figure out if what you want to achieve is possible or not. From what I’ve observed, you can click “preview” on each track or “preview all sections”, but depending on how your montage is constructed, (like if you have a looping middle section with 2 different endings, like in the tutorial) you won’t be able to preview the full montage in order like you could when you hit play.

Sorry that’s all I know about montages. :slight_smile:

Have a Merry Christmas!
