crash : SharedThis.Get() == this ( slate ComboButton )

Hi, trying to make a combo button ( drop down ) in my plugin i get this assert crash at engine startup :

i made a simple button plugin ( with default code )

my header file has( not the full file, but the needed part ) :

#include "SharedPointer.h"

class FDPGPostProcessModule : public IModuleInterface , public TSharedFromThis<FDPGPostProcessModule>

TSharedRef<SWidget> MakeGeneralMenu();

in the cpp file i now have this ( everything work fine if i don’t have the AddComboButton part )

void FDPGPostProcessModule::AddToolbarExtension(FToolBarBuilder& Builder)
		FOnGetContent::CreateSP(this, &FDPGPostProcessModule::MakeGeneralMenu),
		LOCTEXT("GeneralOptions", "General Options"),
		LOCTEXT("GeneralOptionsToolTip", "General Options"),
		FSlateIcon(FDPGPostProcessStyle::GetStyleSetName(), "DPGPostProcess.PluginActionSettingLoad"));


As you can see, i made my class inherit “TSharedFromThis” so it can be used fot the getContent delegate, so now, it compile, but crash :-/

for now MakeGeneralMenu is ‘empty’ but that shouldn’t be a problem until it’s called