Accessed none Dynamic Cast

Hi Community!

I’m pretty new to Blueprint Scripting and ran into a problem I can’t solve.
I’m getting the error: “Accessed none trying to read property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsForce_Container…”

My Setup is actually simple. I’ve created containers which hold variables. If a object overlaps the volume it get’s new forces. I’ve attached my BPs. I can’t find the issue. I’ve tried the “IsValid” node which I found on the forums to be a solution, but somehow it doesn’t work for me.
Do I have to initiate the “ForceContainer” in some way or set the variables in the construction script?

ForceContainer has editable variables: “NewDirection”, “NewSpeed”, “MaxSpeed” and “Delay”

I would have the overlap event in your force container and cast to the character from there and call the function i think it might give you a better result