Why is replicated rotation different than servers version?

Attached is a composite of values from the server when I control the character on the server, and values from the client when I control the character from the client. In this setup I’m replicating two properties both of which are FRotators.

// Current Facing of the pawn
	FRotator pawnFacing;
// Current Facing of the pawn
	FRotator pawnCR;


void AKoreChar::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps) const

	//Gravity Scale, Adjustments in In-Game Editor
	DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION(AKoreChar, pawnFacing, COND_OwnerOnly);

I update the rotations on the server with this RPC (which is a server RPC)

void AKoreChar::SERVER_ChangeFacing_Implementation(FVector inVec)
	Capsule->SetRelativeRotation(FRotationMatrix::MakeFromZX(Capsule->GetComponentLocation(), inVec).ToQuat());
	pawnCR = Controller->GetControlRotation();
	pawnFacing = Capsule->RelativeRotation;

When the client gets those values they are not the same. The rotations go past 180 (On the server they stay between -180 and 180). So when I use those values it causes my character to flip. Why is the replicated rotation different on the client than on the server?

5 years later but in case someone else is trying to figure it out, you can use FQuat instead of FRotator. You can use the function FRotator::Quaternion() to get an FQuat from your FRotator.